NCERT, under the aegis of Ministry of Education, conducted the National Achievement Survey (NAS) throughout the country on November 13, 2021, for Classes 3, 5, 8 and 10 in government, government-aided schools, private recognized and central government schools. The survey tools used multiple test booklets with 50 questions in Classes 3 and 5, 60 questions in Class 8, 70 questions in Class 10 in Mathematics, Language, Sciences, Environmental Studies and Social Sciences. The competency-based test questions reflect the learning outcomes developed by NCERT which were recently incorporated in the RTE Act by the Government of India. Along with the test items, questionnaires about students, teachers and schools were also used. The learning levels of 3.4 million students from 1,18,274 schools across 720 Districts in all 36 States/UTs were assessed. The findings of the survey help guide the education policy, planning and implementation at National, State, District and classroom levels to improve the learning levels of children and bring about qualitative improvements.